Why is there So Much Economic Illiteracy? Paul Krugman Is One Reason
“At one time you had a lot of people who hadn’t had any economics saying foolish things. Now you have well-known economists saying foolish things.” Read More
“At one time you had a lot of people who hadn’t had any economics saying foolish things. Now you have well-known economists saying foolish things.” Read More
„If it ever takes off, bitcoin could transform the movement of money and strip banks of their control of it.“ „The development of the blockchain [will] certainly [have] a very interesting and potentially disruptive impact on financial services“ „We are looking at it, we are experimenting with it. I think it is a…
„It is interesting that the free market has actually found a way to undermine a cartel that up until recently appeared to be completely safe. In some cities, Uber is being fought tooth and nail to protect the sinecures of the established taxi industry. It is a microcosm of the cronyism that is the rule…
Bereits vor zwei Jahren veröffentlicht. Jetzt umso brisanter!!!! „Am 24.März 2013 erschien in der „New York Times“ unter der Überschrift „Waffenlieferungen an syrische Rebellen ausgedehnt – mit Hilfe der CIA“ ein detailreicher Bericht. Er weist mehr als 160 Frachtflüge mit Kriegswaffen nach, die seit Anfang 2012 aus Saudi-Arabien, Qatar und Jordanien regelmäßig am türkischen…
lol Great website on how often Bitcoin has died! Read more
Great stuff: „For decades computer scientists had been trying to replicate that simple cash transaction digitally, but nobody could find a way of doing it – not without involving a middle man of some kind to process the transaction. By the early 00s, they had all but given up. A digital cash system was thought…
„As a reminder, Kolanovic was the first to explain just how the various „technical“ price-insensitive trading strats, which include derivatives hedgers, Trend Following strategies (CTAs), Risk Parity portfolios and Volatility Managed strategies, were incorrectly positioned, and how the residual volatility resulting from either option gamma-hedging or due to any other reason, had become a self-fulfilling…
„Der Krieg gegen das Bargeld begann 1970 mit dem US-amerikanischen Bank Secrecy Act, der Finanzinstitutionen innerhalb der Vereinigten Staaten dazu verpflichtet, den Regierungsbehörden dabei zu helfen, Geldwäsche zu enthüllen und vorzubeugen. Das war der Sinn dahinter. Genauer gesagt verpflichtet dieses Gesetz Finanzinstitutionen, Bargeldzahlungen zu dokumentieren und Zahlungen in Höhe von mehr als 10.000 Dollar pro…